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About Me

Many years ago when my godfather suggested I apply to Photography College after my foundation year at Art College, my first thought was how can I make a living out of something I love doing?


He was right though, why can’t your passion become your career?

Many years on and I still love being a photographer, what’s not to like!   I have taken corporate portraits, worked for national magazines shooting advertorials, covered a whole host of events & PR commissions, photographed royals, been choppered into Cannes and snowmobiled in Iceland.


These days  I like to keep every shoot as fresh and real as possible. London based,  I love working with young people of all ages, photographing for charities and universities, taking portraits and still meeting the most extraordinary people every time I do a shoot.

If you’ve got a commission you’d like to discuss, get in touch and we can have a zoom chat. Who knows one day soon we might be able to hook up for a real coffee and a chat.

For a list of my clients you can head over to LinkedIn


“Which of my photographs is my favourite?

The one I’m going to take tomorrow.”


Imogen Cunningham

Contact Me

London Based Photographer

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